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UXD & engagement maps of people use of health tech for sports:

In sports:

• 20% of training time is lost due to illness or injury
• 30% of injuries reoccur within 12weeks time
• 91% of high performance work requires tracking data
• athletes should train when they are 100% fit/healthy

interactive technology in sports:

• being aware
• ongoing activity
• positive experience
• goal focused
• enhanced relationship with own health/wellbeing

MODBOX interactive product: 

03 interactive functions in design criteria:


function #1: tracking performance (help users track their progress)
• fitness data - feedback
• repeated correct/incorrect training behaviour
• training load
• indicators of injury or illness risk (observable) 


function #2: support health goal (support their health/wellbeing habits)(tech as proactive approach to health)
injury is:
• reduced ability to do and go about an everyday routine
• need to manage a chronic or short/long term condition 


function #3: remote interaction (facilitate remote interaction with their coach or peers)
what data/information do end-users need?

•MODBOX athlete : everyday sports routines
  - Need to ‘know’ his/her performance to make a decision/own behaviour/during:
     + Feedback: number of repeats, points if competing, workload
     + Status: thresholds, benchmark
     + Attention: when reaching ‘risk’ point
   - interactions: (monitoring to support function tangible interaction)
     + know performance
     + make decision
     + information to use with coaches

•MODBOX coach : sports practice management
  - Need to manage athlete’s performance (on the moment/ to plan):
     + Feedback: progress
     + Status: comparative data (thresholds, benchmark, other), performance indicator
     + Attention: data when reaching ‘risk’ point
   - interactions: (monitoring function tangible interaction & GUI)
     + on the moment / after sports practice
     + improve his/her intuitiveness to plan course of action
     + Information to use with athletes and doctors (*)

•MODBOX practice context: community sports hall management
  - Need to accommodate various sports programs organise and plan):
     + Feedback: community use
     + Status: of gear
     + Attention: injuries, gear malfunction
   - interactions: (remote interaction function GUI)
     + aftersports practice / throughout competitive life of athlete
     + interpret and predict risk of injury and improve performance
     + Information to use with sport scientists



what are the users’ touchpoints with MODBOX?
what are athletes’ experience & routines?

• routines-> touchpoints-> experience-> emotional impact
   - this sequence helps identify how each interaction affects the product value in the eyes of the user. It can show ‘pain points’ (design opportunities). 

from touchpoints, athletes’ experience & routines?
map out the MODBOX experience as UX map


tutorial: concept bomb
MODBOX project– What does it monitor? How can the interaction for this function be fun?

• work with one of your design opportunities
• for each of the functions, work out the input-output5


My design opportunities:

The Intelligent Wrist Sweatbands is a wearable interactive device for getting the indicators in the ModBox practice process.

The Intelligent Wrist Sweatbands  has 3 main functions:

  1. With own force sensor to monitoring and tracking of basic heart rate, punch rate or strength, etc.

  2. supporting users’ to measure accurate data to understand their physical condition and where they need to improve.

  3. enabling remote interaction for athletes and coaches to view Punch speed, calorie consumption, progress tracking feedback, and schedule summary.

The Intelligent Wrist Sweatbands interacts with the user through physical interactions for accuracy and with the use of an app to assist people in viewing exercise data, analyse generated reports, and have a variety of statistical images.


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